*Scroll to bottom for more deets!

I just got done with my monthly therapy appointment, which never gets easier. He is a retired olympian, so sometimes we tap into the discussion of “greatness”, winning and losing, and getting people to MOVE at a high level.

As he continues to learn about what I do, he is always impressed and taken aback at the power of it, and what it can actually do for people.

In this particular session he actually compared what we do in Turn Up to what he does as a renowned neuropsychiatrist, which is like…WOW.

Through the convo, I realized how different my approach is to teaching and coaching compared to many out there, and I may have always known that in some way, but couldn’t really identify what the difference was. I see it now

It’s one thing to have something special inside of you, it’s another to acknowledge it. Then to go against the norm and express it, teach it, and build a thriving business around it is something else entirely. 

For the past 5+ years I have had my head down, grinding, creating, and stopping at nothing to build this beautiful thing we call Turn Up. I eat, sleep and breathe it. And what I realize is that 5+ years later, I am still working like I have nothing, but with the wisdom of having something, and it’s a dangerous combo. 

I still have so much to learn, but at this point, I could write a book on how to become the person you dream of being, create the life you dream of living, and build a successful business from the ground up. 

Maybe one day I will write that book, but for the first time ever, I am excited to offer an
exclusive mastermind experience for those ready to build. 

Whether you have ideas and don’t know where to begin, or you have a business that is already created but needs direction and scaling,

I am not only going to share the experience that I’ve gained in this group, but the knowledge I’ve gained the past year, from the extensive masterminds I have been a part of as a student. 

Investing in these high level masterminds, events, trainings, and in turn myself, are the largest sums of money I have ever spent on my business still to this day, but every single time,
it’s worth it

I truly think one of the biggest reasons I am where I am today, is because I ALWAYS invested in learning from people who are doing the damn thing and investing in experiences that grow me. 

Getting myself in “rooms” with other people who want to figure it out and do big things will
instantly change you, and have you taking quantum leaps in your life and your business. 

So with all of that being said, I want to be the
mentor and coach that I needed, that I still need today, for someone else wanting to simply create their own lane and make money doing something they love, while impacting people.

I want to take the lessons it took me years to grasp, and help you get there quicker, more efficiently, and even better than I did. I want to help you see what’s possible and help you build the life of your

Truly, building a biz has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but also…living life on my terms, making hella money building something that lights me up, shoot, just waking up in the morning and being able to go to work for MY biz from wherever I am, is

What do you dream about? Why are you stopping yourself? If I can do it, so can you.

So, this mastermind will be VERY LIMITED SPOTS for two months with me! 

✨Seven group calls:

I will teach my strategy, my method, and how you can then take it and run with it.

On The Spot coaching sessions, where you get to ask questions to me and I will coach you through it, alongside our group.

Guest speakers who will teach their own method in regards to marketing, managing, funnels, building, scaling, branding and more!

My goal is to not only show up for what I think you need right now to make moves, but to tap into what I see is happening once I get to know where you are exactly in the process, and give you even more of what you need in that specific area. I AM SO DAMN EXCITED!

I mean, can you imagine starting 2024 off, having already developed a plan, having already created momentum, feeling like you have direction and support and EXCITEMENT for your day to day? EEEEK. I really wish I would have had something like this! 

Since it is my first time doing it, it will be HALF the price that it will be moving forward. I want to honor the risk you’re taking in being a part of something that has never been done before, and oh baby…you will not regret it!!! 

If you’re feeling like this is something you want to invest in for yourself, fill this application out, and I will get back with you within 2-3 days. Again, the spots will be extremely limited, so it may be that others simply got to the form first, but more importantly, I just also want to make sure this is going to be amazing for you, and exactly what you need!!! 

Calls will be Fridays at 12pm est, all calls will be recorded for those that need it, and they will last 1-2 hours depending on what we’re attacking that week!

November 10th

November 17th

December 1st

December 8th

December 15th

December 29th

January 5th   

This mastermind will be all held virtually through zoom, we will also have a private group on our app for JUST US, so y'all can stay connected, support each other, hold each other accountable, and so that I can quickly send out announcements and reminders as notifications, directly!

I have not attached an in person retreat to this experience, as I wanted to be able to provide as much value as possible at the lowest cost possible and get everyone to their NEXT LEVEL, and then implement & take action through this process. I am so excited that we are closing out the year together, and then starting the year together, because from my experience, they are two of the most crucial times in building your business and I am excited to get locked in with y'all through that!

With that being said, if we feel as a collective, that we want to make an in person retreat happen, I am more than willing to plan that for us! I believe in the in person experience so much and think it would be a great way to come together at the end of our time together and dive deeper. The experience would be held in Scottsdale, AZ near end of January, beginning of February. Everyone would collectively pay for the actual mastermind experience, the stay at the airBnB, and travel, food etc! I want this to be something we decide on together, so we’ll come back to this after we get to work, and see if it’s something we want to do down the line!